Monday, March 13, 2006

Nuckin' Futs

i remember when i lived in San Diego near the beach, tourists actually wore awesome extra large shirts with phrases such as "I went to Mission Beach and got nuckin' futs." This of course came with a cartoon of a really drunk man (stars around the head) holding a liquor bottle, cross eyed, wearing bermuda shorts and a visor. I do believe this quite possibly could've been the inspiration for She-bible. yeah, thinking back, i'm pretty sure it was.
so the last few days flew by me once again. one day i will be able to make time stand still, but until then, i'm shit outta luck.

wednesday night's reaction to Santino LOSING!!!!!!!!!!

someone won a little loot by voting for Chloe. whatever trader!

a pretty thing trying to give an evil eye but just looking pretty. nice try though.

this weekend i saw 2 pets:
Luna - she's a petite doberman. she's real good lookin' but knows it and is a total flirt with the fellas. she enjoys dog bones, catching mice, and long walks on the beach. candlelit dinners not necessary.

oh Boo Boo, where do i begin. we all thought you were a fella until you layed an egg (after that i started calling her Boo Bee). this little fancy pants know a lot o' tricks. she can roll over, play fetch, dance, and well, there's more but i forget. Boo Boo enjoys apple slices, neck rubs, and long walks on a perch.

Tria is Boo Boo's mom. she is also She-bible's coveted pattern maker. she is amazingly talented and patient. we love her.

my saturday excitment included TARGET and Home Depot. those two stores own me. i bow down to their greatness. i treated myself to a few gifts, the highlight being a new toilet seat. (are you sad yet that you waste your time reading this?)

my new home depot plant ruling the top of my fridge and helping to create an 'ambiance'

you know you are truly loved when someone (Lindsay) drops off a plate of papusas for you at 11:30am on Sunday knowing you are going to wake up hungry. yes, i have many wives, but i gots me a couple o' mommy's too! thank you again for the morning treat. i love you!

spent some quality time with my lady friend Amedee and sold clothes at Wasteland. making money felt good so we treated ourselves to some Papalotes. got back home ready to paint an ugly red wall and door white. it's been driving me mad and i finally dug into it. while painting, my Man Dates dropped by to play records. nerds

then some hoochies came over to watch movies but instead took advantage of my internet.
could it be i'm happy the weekend is over. time to hit the work wheel and push things into motion.


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